Baby Carseat Guide
Hi there,
Here is your baby carseats guide! In this guide, we share with you:
- Importance of car seats
- Types of Car Seat
- What to keep in mind when buying a car seat
- Safety Features of a car seat
- Common car seat mistakes
- Brands of Car Seat that you should know about
- How To Properly Buckle Your Baby Into The Car Seat
- How To Install A Car Seat
Fun Fact:
The middle of the back seat of your car is the safest spot to place your child’s car seat from infancy to puberty.
Car Seats have expiration date. Most of the time, car seat’s expiration date lasts up to 6 years, after that the plastic of the car seat can breakdown and is deemed unsafe to use.
Importance of Car Seat
Did you know? That the leading cause of death for children are vehicle accidents? What to do if you want to avoid it? Car seats are the one that could provide protection for your baby when you and your family are travelling with your baby.
Statistics says that car seats reduce the risks of your child getting injured in a vehicular accident by 71% to 82% compared to those children who are using seat belts alone. Car seats also reduce the risks of death by 28 %
So to ease out your concerns, Agape babies presents you our buying guide for your child your car seat.
Types of Car Seat
What to keep in mind when buying a car seat
Children are extremely picky, so when buying a car seat make sure that your baby will be very comfortable for him to enjoy traveling.
Baby's Body Max Index
Every car seat has their own specifications on their manual with regards with the baby’s height, age, and weight. So before buying a car seat makes sure that you will look for the car seat that is appropriate for your baby.
Backseat of the car.
In picking the car seat you should take note on how big your backseat is, and how many it could accommodate. A car seat’s size is no joke, and it could take a lot of space, so it would be better if you will have the measurement of your back seat with you when you are buying a car seat.
A car seat has many features, but when you are buying one look for a car seat that could easily adjust on the demands of your baby. Like a canopy that would protect your baby from sunlight, or an adjustable head support for your baby’s comfort.
Before it was made available in the market, a car seat have to undergo and passed a crash test to test its durability. So when you are choosing a car seat make sure to look for certification that it passed the crashed test.
Safety Features of a car seat
When it comes on car seats, a five-point harness is a must to ensure that your baby won’t fall off on your car seat. Choose straps that are easy to latch and unlatch so that it won’t be hard for you to unbuckle your child when going out of the car.
Head Support.
Your baby would not be able to hold up his head. So it’s another important factor that the car seat that you will buy will already have a head support installed in it because it’s safer to use that an attachment.
Head and Side Impact Protection
This kind of protection is important because it envelops your child’s head and body, preventing them from getting severe injuries if accident will occur.
It stands for Lower Anchor and Tethers for Children. All vehicles that are manufactured after September 1, 2002 are required to have LATCH. The straps of the car seat are connected on the metal anchors of the vehicle to ensure your child’s safety.
Seat belt tensioner
Seat belt tensioner is great in giving a tight fit. This will help you to ensure that your baby will be firmly seated on the car seat when traveling.
Common car seat mistakes
Wrong fit.
Sometimes, parents taught that as long as they have installed the car seat, it’s already done and they won’t bother if it was fitted properly. Which is wrong because not all car seats fits in every car, so it would be better if you’ll have an expert to check your car seat fitting.
Using backless booster seats
Though backless booster seats meet all of the legal requirements, different crash tests revealed that it does not offer the protection a high-backed booster seat can give during a collision. So if you are using a backless booster seat, you’ll need to change it immediately.
Switching too soon from rearward facing to forward facing.
Twisted or loosely tied Harness straps.
A too low harness clip.
Brands of Car Seat that you should know about
How To Properly Buckle Your Baby Into The Car Seat
How To Install A Car Seat
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